Earlier this week I put out a tweet offering a free screen acting workshop for four actors on February 17th.
I didn’t expect it to blow up in the way it did, the interest has been huge.
I've learned a lot about screen acting from 15 years of short film directing and through my showreels business.
I want to teach what I know, but have never offered this directly before.
I'm offering a FREE workshop with a group of four actors on Feb 17th. Interested?
— Daniel Johnson | Writer/Filmmaker (@danieljohnsonuk) January 30, 2020
So in order to break things down a bit more, I am writing this to clarify who it is for and who can benefit from it.
First things first – this will be taking place on February 17th, from 11am-3pm in Stratford, East London.
This is not a course where you will be gaining showreel material – although I may release footage to participants at the end, but I recommend it for training purposes, for self-reflection, but not to form a professional showreel.
The ideal participants –
– Have some professional acting training and experience.
– Do not currently have strong showreel material (if you are already deep into your journey with screen acting, I’d rather you leave this to the less experienced)
-Are confident in their acting abilities but a little daunted or shy about screen work (a big part of what I want to achieve is to demstifying screen acting, to give you confidence doing it)
-More used to being on stage than screen.
-I am open to all ages and backgrounds, but am keen to work with people who don’t yet have a great deal of screen experience.

If you’re serious about being involved and think you’d enjoy working on this for a day –
Please email: dj@danieljohnsonfilms.co.uk, give me a paragraph about yourself and why you think you would benefit from doing this.
And please do send your Spotlight/headshots (it’s not strictly necessary you’re on spotlight, but certainly desirable.)
I only have four spaces. And for the time being at least, this is one day only!
Also, I am likely to film this day and use it for marketing materials – so please only get in touch if you are happy for our work together to be filmed.
Look forward to hearing from you.
2 Responses
Hi Daniel
You are so kind to tweet me back about your workshop when there are only four places. Just a quick intro: I’ve worked in musical theatre and stage for 15 years, mainly ensemble and small parts. I’ve been trying to expand my skill set and use my acting abilities in various media. I hope you’ve seen my showreel and seen what I can do and spotted what I can work on. Let me know if you think I would be a good contributor to your workshop.
I would love to be considered for this, i started tearing in 2016 in screen acting then went on to do a one year theatre foundation course. I can find it difficult to get into character sometimes. I would like help with this as I think it stops em being cast.