Interview with Comedy Sketch Actor AARON GORDON

It was just under 10 years ago when Aaron Gordon sent me a one line email, expressing interest in creating an acting showreel with me. We worked together on his reel and, despite him being an Arsenal fan, went on to become good friends. 

As I began to make footie sketches for social media, it was obvious to me that Aaron would need to be involved. Aaron is an extremely talented actor; super relatable and natural.

Over the years I’ve cast him as all sorts, police officers, criminals, nice guys, manipulators, losers, and much more. For the purposes of this interview, I’m focusing on his work with me in viral (and often non-viral) football comedy sketches!

What made you want to get involved in the football sketches? 

I wanted to be tiktok famous is the short answer. In all seriousness, I think I just wanted to do something fun with the bit of talent that I’ve got. And what better way to have fun than taking the mic out of the football world with some great actors and great funny scripts.

Why do you think they’ve connected with a lot of people around the world?

Not to get too political but the world is in a strange dark place at the minute, I mean when is it not? But it feels to be getting a little more extreme. I genuinely think football brings a lightness and camaraderie to the world. Look how much we missed it during the pandemic. It’s a safe way to have banter with people. And I think the sketches really tap into that.

I think that part of why I like working with you is that we are from similar parts of London and have similar views on football – even though we support different teams – I feel like you naturally get my sense of humour and what I’m going for. How do you think that has helped the sketches we create?

It really just feels easy. I feel I don’t need to reach for anything when we’re doing these sketches. I also feel like you know how to wind me up in person especially when it comes to Arsenal so when you put this feeling into a script it feels so natural and authentic to me. Oh and by the way, Tottenham are rubbish!

I don’t think people watching realise how much hard work you actors do – learning multiple scripts very quickly, filming them one after the other on the same day. What’s the overall experience like?

One of my favourite things about acting is getting to work with other actors and I think you do a really good job of picking your actors. The filming days are always fun. Not just the sketches but all the chat around the sketches. Especially having chats about how nervy we are about remembering our lines. But it always works out. You never know which sketches are going to get the 6.5 million hits (humble brag) but for me it’s always about how enjoyable it is when we’re bringing your sketches to life on the day.


You mentioned how the actors can get nervy about the lines, could you share more about that?

In all honesty the brain is not what it used to be, I do wish sometimes that my brain was 21 again and I could learn a script as quick. But just have to work a little bit harder nowadays. And I am a bit of a perfectionist so I like to be word perfect.  But I think ultimately it’s just trusting that you know it. I think what’s really helpful for me is getting through a take (even if it’s bad) without stopping.

What is your favourite sketch and why?

This is a hard one for me. We’ve done so much now. I have a soft spot in my heart for the early ones I did with Emma. These were the times when Arsenal weren’t doing as well so it was so nice to let out some of my frustration. I think the one that pops in my head is when I played the glory hunter (again with Emma) I got to go on a massive rant. It was a challenge but when I was able to really go for it it was so fun and cathartic and silly. Only downside was that I was in a Man City top.


You once got recognised on the street from a sketch. Can you share what that was like?

It was actually really nice to be recognised. You see all the views you get but sometimes it doesn’t really feel like real people. Having that in person recognition hit a little different. I don’t know how it would feel if i was recognised all the time but that one time was lovely.

What have you learned from working on these sketches?

If you make authentic content people will really invest in it. Genuinely think some people forget we’re actors. That can come with negatives but it’s actually a really good compliment.

Follow Aaron Gordon on Instagram.

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