
Notice on Showreel Scene Pricing

I am writing this blog post to announce details of changes to the pricing of my Showreels for Actors Service over the coming year. The announcement is this: I will be keeping my prices exactly the same for the next twelve months. As a service provider in the film industry,

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Child Actor Showreels – Top Tips for Strong Scenes

Actor showreels are one of the key factors that help professional performers get work. It’s no different for children in the industry – but of course, they haven’t always had the chance or experience to build their material. If you are a parent considering purchasing a showreel scene for your

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My New Substack Newsletter

I’ve started a newsletter over on Substack. It’s called ‘You’ve Got Media’ – a place where I can talk about all things media; be it film, tv, socials, and whatever else. I have the blog here on my website, but I’ve always felt a little restricted — needing to stay

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So You’re New to Acting and Want a Showreel

So you’re eighteen and want to get into acting but have no training, should you get a showreel? Or you’re sixty-eight, newly retired, and want to jump into being a screen actor – should you get a reel? At whatever stage you’re at in your journey, an acting reel is

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Wedding Goals – Short Film

I’ve released a new short film, ‘Wedding Goals’, starring Stephanie Marion, Durone Stokes and Rachel Keys. It is a documentary-style comedy about trying to organise a wedding when your partner is a football fan.  Over the past year I have really enjoyed creating comedic football sketches with my actor friends.

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Daniel Johnson
Writer, Director, Author
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